Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's a Masterpiece!

Dawn completed the 5th panel of "The Chair" today, working diligently in my garage while I cracked the whip and did *ahem*, "research and development" on my laptop nearby.

It is stupendous! It's beautiful and gorgeous and I cannot tell you how much I LOVE it!! This is one talented lady folks, and the chair is a testament to her gifts.

I can't wait to show you!

But I will....the "Official" unveiling is on Saturday at the Phabulous PHAP Farm...a day long play date with our wonderful Arty friends of the Pointy Hat Art Posse. And maybe some members of the local press?

It's front page worthy folks! Check back on Saturday, and I promise more pictures!

Here's a little teaser....

The artist signs her name.

1 comment:

Karyn said...

I will miss the PHAP farm :( It would have been so good to see everyone - not to mention fun. Oh well. I have something better to do....spend time with my hubby (maybe he won't still be feeling sick, as he has all week)

Have a good day, and I can't wait to see the final product!

Maybe I'll come see for myself one day next week.