Saturday, July 21, 2007

Made in the Shade

My shady backyard garden was in sore need of some TLC. This is what we did yesterday...

This is a simple way to clean up and keep weeds out of an area where I don't really grow anything. The wood chips look a little garish at first, but they do mellow to a nice earthy grey in a year or so.

The boys helped out, and this scarecrow-ish looking chap spread the chips out after Levi shoveled and delivered them by the wheelbarrow load.


Karyn said...

So you just lay newspapers? is that instead of weed mat?

arlene said...

Yes, I just use a thick mat (6 or so sheets) that I soak in a tub of water first. This helps them cling to the ground and not blow away. It works better than the weed mat that I've used.