Monday, July 16, 2007

Learn about Herbal wonders

Check out this blog. It's my friend Diane's, who is also the "Grandma Farm" of my sweet Grandson Liam.
She is learning and practicing the Herbal Arts and is really a wealth of information. She has a really wonderful family too, and I consider her somewhat of an expert on that subject too!


Grandma Farm said...

Thanks, Arlene!
I feel famous, (almost) and sort of unworthy because I really don't know all that much. I'm just learning as I'm going, winging it, etc.
I really don't check into your blog often enough, not as much I'd like to. I feel sort of like my passions are at times put on hold as the more important things like keeping up with two two year olds takes first priority. But this is a season and the Lord is showing me much in this season that I'm in. Stuff like sacrifice for a greater good, patience, the world through two year old eyes (times 4), patience, how God could love us and adopt us into His family while we were lost in this world, patience, the simplicity and far reaching implications of raising a family (again), and did I mention patience?

I love how your blogs have caused me to think, Arlene!
Keep them coming as my brain might rust a little during this time in my life.

arlene said...

Diane, I know you won't rust, 'cause you always stay in the Son! LOL

You're in no way unworthy to be a Mentor in the Herbal're way ahead of me and that's what a good Mentor is...someone ahead on the journey who is willing to help others along! I'm not sure I'm ready for the patience lesson though! LOL

It is amazing how being out of the box forces one to think in new and different ways.
Look at you and those Littles of yours! How much richer life is now, hey?

I linked you on my blog! All my many readers (ahem) will now have direct access to your wisdom!