Saturday, August 12, 2006

Book Art

I know, I know...I should have cleaned house today...or gone to the park, or well, cleaned house. But I was lying in bed last night thinking of a binding technique I read about in a book at Chapters on Thursday evening on my date with Mr Wonderful, and I knew if I didn't try it right away, I'd forget how and have to go buy the book in question. (wow! long sentence.)

I remembered how, did it, and had phapboy do one too, as he was wishing he could take a bookbinding course. See, he's been reading InkHeart, and InkSpell by Cornellia Funke, and is infatuated with Book Arts. I say, why take a course when we have most of the supplies right here, and about a dozen books on the subject to show us how. Also, I'm at the place in my life where I believe that if something is worth doing, it's worth doing first. I love to practice, and find the process as rewarding as the product.

So here our our first attempts at this technique. (I've done a bit of bookbinding before today, all from directions in books). It's addictive!

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